hey dudes ! i had a wonderful and
very benadrylled weekend ! on friday, i came home and
actually wrote my essay- i had to write an essay about huckleberry finn, and then
write an essay about my essay where i went through every line and had to paraphrase each line (to say what it SAYS) and then explain what each line DOES. it
wasn't as tedious as it sounds ! then i had to read a chapter of
beyond the culture wars by gerald graff and do a SAYS/DOES outline for that. what a weird book- this is my first year back at school in a billion years and it is some like... weird academic-y jargon-y book about problems in academia. why would i care about that? i have no clue what he's even talking about. like,
going to school to learn about going to school doesn't seem interesting to me.
the class is pretty rough. so far it is like...
middle school type stuff, but the instruction is muddled and the assignments are tedious. i'm bummed, because
i have a lot to learn about writing and i'm not sure i'm going to learn it in this (required) class. we have to do a
class blog and i know that not everyone is a superstar blogger or whatever, but everyone's entries are so weird and tedious and are a mishmash of incomplete sentences. also even though they can be about ANYTHING, most people write about the class. i feel like a jerk complaining about it though !
on saturday, i
went to hannah's to meet my new kitten !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hannah found a teeny tiny baby kitten, and i get to take her home in 3 weeks. she's about 3 weeks old now (though she seems to be around 4 weeks developmentally and 3 weeks in size? so she may just be tiny). she is seriously like...
the cutest kitten in the world. she put her paws on my face and nibbled on my chin and alksjdkaslks she's so cute. hannah is a saint for taking care of her !
after that, i went to target to get some qtips and
new bedding and ended up running into
jeanne, mike, ryann, and ned ! and then a few minutes later, benji ! it was pretty neat, except i was
self-conscious about my eye and the fact that i was
sort of covered in kitten pee. i got some bedding and some qtips and headed home, where i met up with
mouse and benji (again !), fresh from their jiu jitsu lesson. i made them
spaghetti with field roast sausages:
and mouse and i
tried to sell benji on band of brothers. benji isn't a tv person but he's a cool human so he'd probably love band of brothers. i got to hang out with mouse a little too after benji left, which was nice because i don't get to see him as much because of school.
on sunnnnnday, i did some reading for my genocide class- this week we have to read
saviors and survivors by mahmood mamdani. it's about darfur, and my professor said that
she considers it to be genocide denial. so far, that seems pretty right on, but i have to claim ignorance here and say that
i really don't know enough about darfur to know if what he's saying is completely preposterous.
i have a lot more reading to do, because
i hope to write my paper for the class about genocide denial, so i think i need to actually stick to my plan of reading when i'm supposed to be reading ! after doing some reading, though, i went to
jeanne and mike's house for
fake thanksgiving ! ryann came too. we made quorn roast, gravy, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and brussels sprouts, and i brought a cherry pie and some pastries. the food was so good and i had the best time, and i'm glad i got to hang out with ryann again cause she's cool. also
thanksgiving is the best possible meal of all time and i want to have it again right now?
someone else's vegan thanksgivingwhat else? i'm off of work today because
my eye totally sucks. benadryl made the swelling go down, but
i didn't take it last night so i could get up for work today, and it came right back. the hydrocortisone my doctor suggested (did i mention that? my doctor suggested benadryl and hydrocortisone on friday for 3 days, and if it wasn't gone today, come back)
seemed to make my face redder, and the
really itchy spot is my tear duct. this really, really sucks.
what else? oh,
in times of stress, i get fixated on stupid things. troll dolls. bill paxton. floaty pens. right now, it's, uh,
how i met your mother. i will say right off-
this show is not funny. it has a good cast (minus the main character, who is like jimmy fallon taped off the radio, and then someone made a tape of that tape, and so on and so on and so on) and good writers and
almost good jokes, but the delivery of every line is so horrible, the laugh track is really weak and oddly placed, ugh. it's a TERRIBLE show. and yet
i am downloading all five seasons and have bought some episodes on itunes.
- why would the main character's voice change as he aged so he turns into bob saget instead of having the same voice?
- how do two assholes in nyc afford such a HUGE apartment?
- how do they afford to go drinking every single night?
- why bother living in nyc if they don't go anywhere but their apartment and the bar directly downstairs?
- some of the stuff barney does is super sketchy/sexual assault-y. why are they friends with him? especially the women?
- who on earth would tell their children some of the stuff that goes on on this show? why would a child ever care how their parents met?
- why am i so attracted to jason segel?
these are questions i cannot answer. i hope this passes soon.
anywayyyyyy see you tomorrowwww